Post No-Show Appointments

With the Post No-Show Appointments function, you can automatically post a No-show procedure to any patient account that had an appointment scheduled and a superbill printed but no subsequent charges were entered in Procedure Entry.

You can perform this function as often as needed and CGM webPRACTICE will not post duplicate procedures to patient accounts. Each No-Show procedure will be posted using the appointment date for the accounting date and will use the No Show Code entered in the Scheduling System Integration. The No-Show procedure(s) will also be posted using the doctor and location code of the appointment(s). NOTE: If a patient is scheduled for more than one appointment on the same date a No-Show procedure is posted for each appointmet for every doctor and location on that date.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Begin with Date Type the date of the schedule you want to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
End with Date Type the date of the schedule you want to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
For Location Type the location you want, select from the Location list, or leave this field blank to have No-Show appointments posted for all locations.   3

You can print a list showing every patient account a No-Show procedure was posted for using the Procedure Journal function. You can select Print in Procedure Order and type your No-Show procedure code when prompted. NOTE: The procedure journal will print every No-Show procedure code posted, whether it was posted automatically using this function, posted automatically using the No Show function in Patient Check In/Out or if you manually posted it through Procedure Entry.