Enter Capitated Procedure Codes

With the Enter Capitated Procedure Codes function, you can identify the procedures that will either be Included or Excluded from Create Capitated Write-Offs (Managed Care, Capitation Functions) for a selected Capitation Schedule.

Upon accessing this function, type the code you want or select from the Capitation Schedule list for the schedule that you want to add procedure codes to.

The Enter Capitated Procedure Codes screen displays with the fields defaulted from the selected Capitation Schedule.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Capitation Schedule This field is informational only and reflects the selected Capitation Schedule insurance code and name. 5
Plan Type This field is informational only and reflects the plan type selected for this Capitation Schedule: I=Included, E=Excluded.   20
Adjustment Code This field is informational only and reflects the adjustment code selected to use when performing the Capitated Write-off function.   5
Procedure Code Type the procedure code you want to be included in or excluded from this Capitation Schedule or click the magnifying glass to search the table. 10

See Print Capitation Schedules to print a report of the procedure codes currently stored for each Capitation Schedule.