Scanned Image Management Setup Steps

With Image Management you can scan important patient information directly into a patient's account.

You can scan in many types of data. The various types are broken down into four categories and consist of:
Images scanned within CGM webPRACTICE using Acquire and Scan can be saved as .jpg, or .gif. image types.

Images scanned outside of CGM webPRACTICE using Acquire and Attach can only be saved as .jpg or .gif image types.

NOTE: * .tiff, .pdf and .bmp image types can only be used for Explanations of Benefits and only when you use the Link Images function located on the System, Image Management menu.

The image management setup steps must be performed prior to using any Image Management function.

Image Management Setup Steps
1. Purchase the Appropriate Scanner(s)
2. Set Up the Image Management Integrations in CGM webPRACTICE
3. Set Up the TempImages Folder
4. Disable Script Blocking
5. Install the Scanner
6. Confirm Workstation Setup
7. Install the Scan Control
8. Calibrate the Scanner

Purchase the Appropriate Scanner(s)
Contact your Hardware or IT Specialist to discuss your practice's needs and determine which scanner would be the most appropriate to purchase for your system.

CGM webPRACTICE supports TWAIN compliant devices. Due to the number of scanners available, it is not possible to provide a list of compatible scanners, however, some recommendations are: There are simplex and duplex scanners. Simplex scanners scan only one side of the page at a time. Duplex scanners can scan both sides of a page at the same time. The CGM webPRACTICE Acquire Image function can only perform a simplex scan. The CGM webSCAN software scans only one side of a driver's license, but it can scan both sides of an insurance card at one time.

Set Up the Image Management Integrations in CGM webPRACTICE
For detailed instructions on completing the Image Management Integration screen, see Image Management Integration.

Set Up the TempImages Folder
***For Self-Hosted Clients Only*** - Only perform the TempImages setup if you will be using a Network scanner for Scanning images outside of CGM webPRACTICE using Acquire and Attach.

Have the C:\TempImages folder setup on the server as Shared or have that folder Mapped on each workstation. If there are multiple databases, each user will need to have access to the individual image folders for the database they usually work in (9999_1, 9999_2, etc.). Replace C:\ with your drive letter, 9999 with your client number and replace the number 1 with your database number. By saving the images into the C:\TempImages\9999_1 folder, you can use Link or Acquire and Attach functions to store images on patient accounts.
Install the scanner on a workstation that has access to the C:\TempImages\ folder. Images should be scanned and saved into the C:\TempImages\9999_1 folder.

Disable Script Blocking
Antivirus programs, which have script blocking enabled, must be disabled before the scanning procedures can be started. This needs to be done for each workstation setup to scan from within CGM webPRACTICE.

Script blocking has become a popular feature of many virus scanners. It allows a user to block scripts, macros and other potentially harmful programs that one would usually be unaware of. However, the script blocking technology cannot distinguish between a 'good script' and a 'bad script'. This falls heavily into play with CGM webPRACTICE, especially scanning. While our scripts may be entirely benign, cautious users will be quick to block all scripts, thus blocking out essential features of CGM webPRACTICE.

Install the Scanner
Mass Scanning - Scanning Outside of CGM webPRACTICE - If multiple staff members will be scanning, you can use a network scanner. Otherwise, if only one staff member will be scanning, it should be installed on their workstation. Regardless of the number of staff scanning, each must have access to the C:\TempImages\ folder on the CGM webPRACTICE server. For details, see Step 3, 'Setup the TempImages Folder'.

Scanning within CGM webPRACTICE - Scanners must be installed on each workstation that will be scanning patient identification, insurance cards, and other images from within CGM webPRACTICE.

Contact your Hardware or IT Specialist to obtain train for staff members on scanning and saving images.

Confirm Workstation Setup
Each workstation must meet the current Client Computer System Requirements and have the Windows update for Microsoft's .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.5 with current Service Packs installed. You must also Configure Internet Explorer.

Install the Scan Control
1. Log on to CGM webPRACTICE.
2. Click on the Patient menu, and then click Change Patient Data.
3. Select a patient account and then click on the Patient Name and Address quadrant.
4. Click Acquire Image in the Action Column.

The first time you access Acquire Image, the following window will appear.

When the Security Warning window appears, click Run to install the Scan Control, otherwise scanning will not work.

After it has been installed, the warning will no longer appear. The Acquire Image dialog box should be displayed.

Calibrate the Scanner
Make sure that you calibrate the scanner. See the manufacturer's instructions or your Hardware or IT Specialist if necessary.