Numeric Aged A/R by Patient Balance

With the Numeric A/R by Patient Balance function, you can generate a report that provides a detailed aging of account balances sorted in numerical order by the guarantor's account number. The aging is calculated based on the date the transactions became the responsibility of the patient and were moved to the Patient Balance column.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Begin with Guarantor Number Type the name/number you want to start with or leave blank to start with the first account with a balance owing.   20
End with Guarantor Number Type the name/number you want to end with or leave blank to end with the last account with a balance owing.   20
Include Address Information If you want the report to print the guarantor's address information, select this check box.   1
Include Transaction Details If you want all the transaction detail to print, select this check box. 1
Include $0.00 Balance Remaining Transactions If you want all the transactions with a zero balance remaining to print, select this check box. 1
Print By Select the type of date you want to use when printing the report. 1
Print from Date Type the date you want the report to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date or leave the field blank to print every open item up through the selected 'Through Date'. 10
Print through Date Type the date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date.

If you select a date prior to the current date, you should not select to include the insurance or patient balances on the report because those figures cannot be accurately calculated for past dates.

If you select a date prior to the current date, the program automatically scans for any deleted patient accounts to ensure the totals provided for that time period are accurate.
Show A/R as If you want the A/R to print the current open item balances, select Current Balance. If you want the A/R to print the open item balances up through the Ending date, select Balance on Ending Date.
Note: If you select Balance on Ending Date, the balances will not include any payments or adjustments applied after the selected ending date.
Include Insurance Balance If you want the report to print the insurance balance separately, select this check box. If you selected a date prior to the current date for the Ending Date for Report, you should not select to include either the insurance or patient balances on the report because those figures cannot be accurately calculated for past dates. 1
Include Patient Balance If you want the report to print the patient balance separately, select this check box. If you selected a date prior to the current date for the Ending Date for Report, you should not select to include either the insurance or patient balances on the report because those figures cannot be accurately calculated for past dates. 1
Aging Increments (15/30) Select the aging increment option you want when printing the report. 2
Print From List If you want to print this report based off of a previously defined DMS List, click the list you want to use.   20

Sample Report
The information included on the report is: account number, guarantor name, date of last payment (broken down by 'P'atient and 'I'nsurance if selected), the total balance due on the account and the aging of that balance. The date of the last visit will print beneath the guarantor's name along with any Report comment stored in the patient's Billing Information. Then the address information and transaction detail with the patient name will print if you select to include them.

You can print this report to Word by selecting the Microsoft Word via MyReports option, or to Excel by selecting the Microsoft Excel via MyReports option in the Printers dialog box and then retrieve the report from MyReports. For additional information about the available printing options, see Printing in CGM webPRACTICE.