Billing Productivity

With the Billing Productivity function, you can print a report by user, of the total number and dollar amount of charges, payments and adjustments posted during a specified date range.

You can use this report to generate a DMS list. To activate this function, add this report to the DMS Report Integration.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Begin with User Code Type the code you want to begin with or leave the field blank to start with the first User code.   10
End with User Code Type the code you want to end with or leave the field blank to end with the last User code.   10
Print by Service Date If you want to print the report by date of service, select this check box. This prints results for charges, payments and adjustments with dates of service that are within the specified date range.

If you leave this check box blank, the report prints results for charges, payments and adjustments with accounting dates that are within the specified date range.
Print from date Type the date you want the report to begin with or click the calendar icon to select a date.

The date range includes results by accounting date or date of service depending on whether or not you select the Print by Service Date check box.
Print through date Type the date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date.

The date range includes results by accounting date or date of service depending on whether or not you select the Print by Service Date check box.
Print from list If you want to print this report based only on the patients contained in a previously defined DMS List, select the list you want to use. For example, if you want the report to include Medicare patients only, create a list of all the Medicare patients by using the List Processor (Reports, Data Management System) and then in this Print from List field, select the Medicare patient list you just created.   20
Batch Number Type a batch number to print only the transactions within that batch, type '0' to print all non-batched transactions, or leave blank to print all transactions.   17

You can print this report to Word by selecting the Microsoft Word via MyReports option in the Printers dialog box and then retrieve the report from MyReports. For additional information about the printing options available, see Printing in CGM webPRACTICE.

Sample Report