Add a Patient Referral

With the Add a Patient Referral function, you can 'pre-register' patient accounts prior to their appointment. If you have Pre-Register selected in the Scheduling System Integration function, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically access this function after you have entered an appointment for a New Patient and display the Referral (Pre-Registration) screen.

Upon accessing this function, you will need to type the patient's last and first name, and then click Save.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Patient's Last Name Type the patient's last name. 60
First Name Type the patient's first name.   35

When the Referral (Pre-Registration) screen displays, you can type in the patient's data.

Note: If CGM webPRACTICE automatically accessed this function after you entered an appointment for a New Patient and you failed to enter the patient's phone number in the appointment screen, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically copy the phone number from the Referral (Pre-Registration) screen over to the appointment.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Patient Name (L, S, F, M) Informational only - displays the patient's last name. 60
Suffix Enter the patient's Suffix.   10
First Name Informational only - displays the patient's first name.   35
Middle Name Type the patient's middle name.   25
Address Line One Type the patient's address.   28
Two Type any additional address information.   28
Zip Code Type the five digit zip code or the zip-plus-four zip code.   10
City Type the city.   15
State Code In the State Code list, click the state you want.   3
Telephone/Cell Phone Type the patient's home telephone number in the first text box and their cell phone in the second text box. You can enter a phone number with or without the area code. If you do not enter an area code, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically use the default area code of the practice. You can also enter the phone number with or without dashes to separate the prefix and suffix of the telephone number.   20
E-Mail Address Type the patient's e-mail address.   50
Responsible Doctor In the Responsible Doctor text box, type the doctor you want or select from the Responsible Doctor list. 3
Default Diagnosis In the Default Diagnosis box, type the code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table. 10
Rel to Guarantor In the Rel to Guarantor list, click the relationship status of the patient to the guarantor. 1
Birth Date In the Birth Date box, type the date you want or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Language For the Patient's Sex options, select the option you want.   3
Patient's Sex For the Patient's Sex options, select the option you want. 1
Patient's Status In the Patient's Status list, click the status of the patient.   2
Social Security # Type the patient's nine-digit social security number with or without dashes.   11
Referral Source In the Referral Source box, type the code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table. 6
Insurance Carrier In the Insurance Carrier box, type the patient's primary insurance code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table.   5
Policy Number Type the patient's primary insurance policy number.   20
Internal Comment Type any comments needed for this patient. This is a free-text field that will be displayed throughout CGM webPRACTICE whenever the patient's account is accessed using the Patient Look-up function. This comment does not print on any report.   45
Report Comment Type any comments needed for this patient. This is a free-text field that will be printed on every report that contains this patient.   45

After saving the referral record, you can enter an authorization record for the patient without having to exit this function to access Maintain Authorizations on the Managed Care Menu. For information about authorization records, see Maintain Authorizations.

During the patient registration process, CGM webPRACTICE always checks the last name of the patient you are registering against the patient referral file. If one or more names are found in the referral file which match, or nearly match, they will be listed first with an '(R)' in front of the name. If you select a pre-registered patient, the information stored in the referral file will automatically default in the appropriate fields during the registration process and be permanently removed from the referral file. If the referral selected also contains an authorization record, that record will also become a permanent part of the newly registered patient's file.

Note: if you are registering a patient account and select a patient that has already been 'Pre-registered', the Date of First Visit field will be overridden in Patient Registration with the date the patient was pre-registered. In addition, if you schedule any future appointments for the pre-registered patient account (prior to registering the account), the future appointment date will override any previous default date.