Missing Charge Report

With the Missing Charge Report function, you can print a report that compares the schedule to the posted and unposted procedures and makes sure that a corresponding charge for those scheduled appointments has been posted. If the patient didn't show for the appointment, and the confirm status was changed to 'No Show', this will also print on the report.

This report works well when combined with the Missing Superbill Report and can be used whether you print superbills or not.

How the report works: If there is a Type of Service linked to the Type of Visit in the Maintain Type of Visit Codes Table, then it will look to see if a procedure linked to that Type of Service in the Procedure Code Table was posted to the account. If not, the appointment will print on the report. For example, if you schedule an appointment with a 'Follow-Up' Type of Visit that has the 'Medical Care' Type of Service linked to it but you only posted an x-ray procedure (type of service), then the appointment will show on the report because it is looking for a procedure that is tied to the 'Medical Care' Type of Service.

If there are specific Type of Visit codes that are Informational Only (for example, lunch, golf, meeting, etc.) and you do not want them included on the report, be sure and select Other for the New Patient field when entering the appointment. The Other option indicates to the system that the appointment is 'not patient related' and therefore won't be included on the report.

This report also works if your practice uses one doctor code for scheduling and a different doctor code for posting charges as long as you link the two codes by completing the Missing Charge Doctor field in the Doctor Code Integration Table.

This report can also be printed from Transactions and Reports menus.

Upon accessing this function, the Missing Charge Report screen displays with the date field defaulted to the current date.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Begin with Doctor Code Type the code you want to begin with, or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table. This field refers to the doctor that the patient was scheduled with.   4
End with Doctor Code Type the code you want to end with, or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table. This field refers to the doctor that the patient was scheduled with.   4
Begin with Location Type the code you want to begin with, or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table. This field refers to the location where the patient was scheduled.   10
End with Location Type the code you want to end with, or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table. This field refers to the location where the patient was scheduled.   10
Begin with Type of Visit Type the code you want to begin with, or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table. This field refers to the type of visit on the scheduled appointment.   5
End with Type of Visit Type the code you want to end with, or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table. This field refers to the type of visit on the scheduled appointment.   5
Begin with Date Type the date you want the report to begin with or click the calendar icon to select a date. This field refers to the schedule date.   10
End with Date Type the date you want the report to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date. This date refers to the schedule date.   10

Sample Report
The information on the report includes the doctor code, doctor's name, the date and day of the schedule, the appointment time, the location code, the type of visit code, the patient's name, account number, the appointment status code and description.