Import/Export Procedure Prices

This function is typically used by new clients to import procedure prices into the Procedure Code Prices Table but can also be used by existing clients to export procedure code prices.
Upon accessing this function, select Import or Export. Click Save.

New Client or Database Import Pre-requisite
The Procedure Code Table must be created prior to using this function; either manually or by using the Load the AMA CPT Codes function or the Copy the Procedure Code Table function. The following message will display if the database is new or does not have an established procedure price effective date, This database has no Price Effective Date established. To set one up, type the effective date you want to create or accept the default of the current date. Click OK to proceed. You will be prompted to add a Price Effective Date and the Procedure codes will be copied into that effective date so you can proceed with importing the prices.

Import Process

The Import Procedure Prices screen displays containing blank data fields.


Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Copy from Price Effective Date Select the existing effective date for the Procedure Code Prices. 10
Copy to Price Effective Date Type the new effective date you want to create or click the calendar icon to select a date or accept the default of the current date.
Import File Path Type the full File Path of the .csv file to be imported. For example: C:\PriceLists\2018Prices.csv   100


Export Process

The Export Procedure Prices screen displays containing blank data fields.


Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Price Effective Date Select the existing effective date for the Procedure Code Prices. 10
Export File Path Type the full File Path of the .csv file to be exported. For example: C:\PriceLists\2018Prices.csv   100

Both the Import and Export functions require the use of comma separated value (.csv) files.


For self-hosted customers, the .csv file must be stored on the CGM webPRACTICE server on the same drive that Cache is installed.


If you are a hosted customer:

Both the Import and Export functions use the same file format as shown below:  

Column 1 – CPT Code

Column 2 - Normal Charge  

Column 3 – Normal Rate A

Column 4 – Normal Rate B

Column 5 – Normal Rate C

Column 6 – Normal Rate D

Column 7 – Normal Rate E

Column 8 – Facility Charge Amount

Column 9 – Facility Rate A

Column 10 – Facility Rate B

Column 11 – Facility Rate C

Column 12 – Facility Rate D

Column 13 – Facility Rate E

Column 14 – Cost

Column 15 – Nominal Fee

Requirements for preparing a .csv file prior to making modifications:

If you have a price list that you need to modify (either before the import or after the export), one of the most difficult issues clients run into with using this function is making sure the .csv file retains any leading ‘zeroes’ in the CPT code column. If you plan on using Excel to modify the file you should review the steps listed below prior to opening the file in Excel, otherwise all the leading zeroes will be automatically removed as soon as the file is opened.
  1. Create a New workbook in Excel
  2. On the Data tab, select From Text to Import data from a text file
  3. Select the file you want and click Import
  4. For the Original data type, select Delimited and click Next
  5. In the Delimiters check box section, select Comma, confirm it is the only check box selected and click Next
  6. For Step 3 of the Text Import Wizard, you will define the Data Format for the CPT Code column. First, in the Data preview section in the bottom half of the dialog box, click on column 1 to select it, if it is not already selected. Next, in the Column data format section, select Text and click Finish
  7. When the Import Data dialog box appears confirm Existing worksheet: =$A$1 is selected and click OK



  1. The data will be imported into the Excel worksheet and the leading zeroes will be preserved in the CPT Code column. At this point you can make any necessary modifications.
  2. If this file is to be used for importing into CGM webPRACTICE, prior to saving the workbook you will need to:
  1. Save the workbook as a .csv file.
  2. You should not reopen the .csv file as this can cause corruption of the data, such as stripping the leading zeroes.



In column 1, the CPT code must be an exact match to a CPT code in the Procedure Code Table and the Procedure Code Prices Table. If the CPT code does not already exist in these tables, it will not be created when the prices are imported.


The data in columns 2 through 15 must be numeric, with or without a decimal point. If the entry is ‘60’, it will be translated to 60.00. If the entry is ‘60.5’, it will be translated to 60.50.


If the amount in any field is ZERO or BLANK, the price in the Procedure Code table will not be updated. It will not change an existing price to zero, even if your file has 0.00 for the price.


The following image is an example of an exported file and how it will look when opened in Excel.