Procedure Code Table
By using Procedure codes, you can:
- Save valuable time when you enter procedures on patient accounts
and file insurance claims.
- Manage automatic pricing for services.
- Indicate if a procedure should be filed to insurance carriers.
- Update the entire procedure code table by loading the file produced
each year by the American Medical Association.
- Store insurance carrier specific procedure codes.
- Evaluate statistical information for the procedure codes performed
by your practice.
- Store other assorted data related to each procedure code.
The Procedure Code Table provides the following
functions for managing procedure codes:
You can use the Procedure Grouping Table to assign a single name (or code)
to a group of procedures and post several procedures at once in procedure
entry by entering the one code. This function can save you a lot of data
entry time if there are specific groups of codes that are continually
performed in your practice.
With the CPT/DX Cross Linking Table you can create an internal link between
procedure codes and diagnosis codes. If certain procedure codes require
specific diagnosis codes to be linked to them for insurance reimbursement
- you can use this table during procedure entry to receive alerts for
those situations.
The current AMA CPT are available. For information about purchasing or
installing the files, contact your customer service team.
The current HCPCS code files are available. For information
about installing the file, see Load
the HCPCS Codes.