Statistical Reports

The Statistical Reports menu provides the following functions for printing a variety of reports that can be used when performing statistical evaluations of the practice or when balancing at month-end:
The detailed procedure and diagnosis analysis reports allow you to analyze specific procedure or diagnosis codes to determine which patient records contain the codes selected.

The productivity, payment, and adjustment analysis reports show, per transaction code, the monthly and year-to-date totals and compare them to the previous year's monthly and year-to-date totals.

The payment and adjustment reconciliation reports are used for reconciling payments and adjustments that have not been applied to charges, when combined with the payment or adjustment analysis report and the payment or adjustment journal.

The summary analysis reports are printed for a specified month and show the total charges, payments and adjustments posted. The same figures for the specified month of the previous year are provided for comparison, along with the total dollar amount and percentage of deviation. The reports also show current year-to-date figures and previous year-to-date figures along with the total dollar amount and percentage of deviation.

The collection analysis reports are used for analyzing collections and write-offs.

Note: The Reset Statistical Files function ONLY affects the statistical audit trail files that are used when generating Statistical Analysis Reports that do not contain patient detail. This includes productivity, payment, adjustment, and summary analysis reports only.