Edit Doctor Schedules

The Edit Doctor Schedules function provides every function necessary for creating, editing and maintaining doctor schedules. The functions are broken down into two sections to facilitate creating and maintaining schedules in an efficient manner. The first section is the Monthly Scheduling Edit Screen, which contains functions that are typically applied to multiple days and/or dates. The second section is the Detailed Scheduling Edit Screen, which contains functions that are performed for an individual day.

The Edit Doctor Schedules function provides the following functions:

Monthly Scheduling Edit Screen
Upon accessing this function, CGM webPRACTICE will display the Monthly Scheduling Edit screen. You can view three months at a time. The display starts with the schedule for the current month, for the first doctor code entered in the doctor code table. If a Template has been applied to a date, the Template name will appear within the box for that date. You can scroll down to view all three months. Each month is shaded a different color so you can easily differentiate the months. You can change the date range displayed by selecting different starting and ending months and/or years, at the top of the screen and then click Refresh to display the new date range.

To edit or create schedules for a different doctor, click the doctor you want in the Doctor list in the upper-left corner. After you have selected the doctor code, be aware that any editing performed on the schedule is only for that doctor displayed.

Each day within the calendar schedule is color-coded allowing you to easily identify its status.

- No schedule has been created for this day.

- A schedule exists but no patient appointments scheduled for this day.

- A schedule exists and patient appointments have been scheduled for this day.

If you click on a specific date in the monthly scheduling edit screen, the detailed scheduling edit screen for the doctor code selected will be displayed.

Enter Notes for Multiple Doctors and Locations
You can enter notes for multiple doctors and multiple locations simultaneously using Enter Notes function in the Action Column. These notes will appear within each doctor's schedule while in the Enter Patient Appointments function.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Doctor(s) Select the Doctor(s) you want from the Doctor list. If you want to select multiple non-contiguous doctor codes, hold down the CTRL key while clicking each doctor, then release CTRL. If you want to select a range of doctor codes, click on the first code to select it, scroll down to the last code in the range, hold down the SHIFT key and click on the last code. 5
Location(s) Select the Location(s) you want from the Location list. If you want to select multiple non-contiguous location codes, hold down the CTRL key while clicking each location, then release CTRL. If you want to select a range of location codes, click on the first code to select it, scroll down to the last code in the range, hold down the SHIFT key and click on the last code. 8
Note Type the text for the Note.   50
Note Type additional text for the Note if needed.   50
From Date Type the date you want to start entering Notes in the schedule or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Thru Date Type the date you want to stop entering Notes in the schedule or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Overwrite existing Note If you want to overwrite any existing Notes, select this check box. 1

Block/Unblock Time
You can Block/Unblock appointment time(s) in the schedule. Blocking is used to prevent anyone from scheduling appointments in the specified time slots. Blocking can be used for meetings, lunches, or for a variety of reasons. The Unblock function is used to release previously blocked appointment time slots. The Block/Unblock Time function is available from both the Monthly Scheduling Edit screen and the Detailed Scheduling Edit screen. Blocked time slots can also be saved into a Template and will take precedence over any prior blocked time slots. When you apply a template to a date, any previously blocked time slots will be eliminated.

Any blocked appointment time slots will display the 'time' in red in the schedule so you can easily differentiate between blocked and unblocked time.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Block or Unblock Select the option you want to either block or unblock timeslots on the schedule.   1
Doctor(s) Select the Doctor(s) you want from the Doctor list. If you want to select multiple non-adjacent doctor codes, press and hold the CTRL key and click each code you want to include. If you want to select a range of doctor codes, click the first code in the range, scroll down to the last code in the range, press and hold the SHIFT key and click the last code in the range. To select all codes, click the first code in the list, scroll down to the last code, press and hold the SHIFT key and click the last code in the list. 8
Location(s) Select the Location(s) you want from the Location list. If you want to select multiple non-adjacent doctor codes, press and hold the CTRL key and click each code you want to include. If you want to select a range of location codes, click the first code in the range, scroll down to the last code in the range, press and hold the SHIFT key and click the last code in the range. To select all codes, click the first code in the list, scroll down to the last code, press and hold the SHIFT key and click the last code in the list. 8
From Date Type the date you want to start blocking/unblocking time in the schedule or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Thru Date Type the date you want to stop blocking/unblocking time in the schedule or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
From Time Type the time you want to start blocking/unblocking time in the schedule. 6
Thru Time Type the time you want to stop blocking/unblocking time in the schedule. 6
Specific Day Select the day you want from the Day list. 2
Move Patients to Wait List If you want to remove appointments and place them in the Wait List, select this check box, otherwise the appointments will remain in the schedule. 1
Comment Type any text needed explaining the reason for Blocking or Unblocking time. For example, 'ER Mtg'. This text will display as a Note in the first appointment time slot that is Blocked.   40

Copy Week
Using the Copy and Paste icons to the left of each row, you can select to copy the schedule for one week and paste it to another week or multiple weeks. The copy function will copy each day of the week that was set up using a template. The name of the template originally used to create each day's schedule will be displayed. The copy function will take the original template from the Template Table and not from the particular Day you may be viewing. When copying, the appointment times are copied the same as they are defined in the template(s). If the schedule for a day was altered in any way after the original template was applied or if the schedule was set up without using a template, those changes will NOT be copied.

- Copy icon

- Paste icon

To select a week, click the copy icon to the left of the row. This immediately inactivates the remaining copy icons for all the other weeks and activates the paste icons. You can now paste the week you selected to any other week or multiple weeks. Click the paste icon to the left of each week you want the schedule pasted onto. Asterisks will display on each day of the selected week. Click Refresh when you are done. The schedules are immediately updated when you click the paste icon even though the name of the template will not show on any of these days until you click Refresh.

Print Journal
The journal holds any patient appointments that were deleted by Deleting time. If there are any patient appointments in the journal for today's date, the Journal function in the Action Column will display in a blue font color. You may print this journal as often as necessary.

Sample Report

Apply Template to a Day
Using the template function you can apply existing templates onto specific days of the schedule or create new templates. When you first access this function and the Monthly Scheduling Edit is displayed, the Template field in the lower-right corner will default with 'Select One...'.

To create a new template, click on a specific day within the month. When you click on a specific day in the monthly scheduling edit screen, this indicates to CGM webPRACTICE that you want to proceed to the detailed scheduling edit screen. This is where templates are first created. For detailed instructions on creating a new template, see the Save as Template section under the Detailed Scheduling Edit Screen section. You can view or print all the existing templates in your system using the Maintain Templates function located on the Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance, Template Maintenance menu.

To apply an existing template to a specific day, select the template you want from the Template list in the lower-right corner. Then click on the day within the calendar that you want to apply the template. Typically, when you click on a specific day in the monthly scheduling edit screen, this indicates to CGM webPRACTICE that you want to proceed to the detailed scheduling edit screen, unless you have selected a template. Templates are applied immediately, so CGM webPRACTICE requires you to verify that you plan on applying the selected template.

The word 'Template' for the Template field will change to red text. This indicates that you are currently in 'template application' mode and the selected template will be immediately applied to each additional date you click. You will not receive the warning message each time you click any additional dates, since the 'template application' mode is active.

The template name will be displayed in the box for each date clicked. This allows you to keep track of where templates have already been applied, since you can continue applying the same template to different dates or select a different template and apply it. You may use as many different templates as you want, although you may only apply one template to a specific date. When you have completed applying templates to the schedule and want to exit 'template application' mode, you must click Refresh, Cancel, select a different doctor, or change the Template field back to 'Select One...'

Each template contains the locations, times, reserves, blocked times, on call entries, and any quantities stored for the Max AM and Max PM fields and will all be set up for the schedule. If the template contains reserves, after the template is applied to a date, the reserves are for that specific date only and will over-ride any other reserves. For information on Reserve appointments, see Enter and Apply Reserves.

NOTE: If you are applying templates to days that already have appointments scheduled, CGM webPRACTICE will save any appointment that fits into the new template and will move all the other appointments to the Wait List.

Detailed Scheduling Edit Screen
Click on a specific day in the monthly scheduling edit screen to access the detailed scheduling edit screen, which contains functions that are performed for an individual day. All the locations (if any), scheduled for the selected doctor will be displayed. If there are appointments scheduled in any time slots, an icon will be displayed in the time slot along with the Type of Visit code for the appointment. The time slots will display the appropriate color for any Reserves previously entered in the schedule.

If the doctor is scheduled at multiple locations for the selected date, separate editing functions for Note, On Call, Max AM/Max PM, Add Time, Delete Time, and Delete Reserves are supplied for each specific location.

New Location (Create New Schedules)
You can create new schedules for each doctor and location using the New Location function in the Action Column. Each schedule you set up can have different appointment intervals (units) and a different maximum number of appointments per appointment time.

When you click Save the new schedule will immediately post and display the message 'Posting Schedules through date'. After the process is complete, the message 'Schedule set through date' will display.

If the schedule you just created is an extension of an existing schedule that already contains reserves, the reserves will automatically flow onto the new schedule. For example, if you had schedules set up through December of 2026 for this doctor and location, with reserves already established and you simply created the same schedule through the end of 2027, you will not have to re-enter your reserves. Reserve schedules remain active until you enter another reserve schedule with a new effective date.

If you are creating schedules for a range of dates and a schedule already exists for a specific date for the same doctor and appointment times, that date will be skipped over. Note: A doctor is not allow to be scheduled in different locations at the same time.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Location Code Type the location code you want or select from the Location list. 5
Doctor Code This field is for informational purposes only. The Doctor you selected in the Monthly Scheduling Edit screen will display. 5
Date This field is for informational purposes only. The Date you selected in the Monthly Scheduling Edit screen will display. 10
Comment Line 1 Type the text for the Note, if needed.   50
Comment Line 2 Type the text for any additional Note, if needed.   50
Appointment Unit Type the number of minutes you want to be allocated for each appointment unit in the schedule. This value will automatically default from the Appointment Unit field in the Scheduling System Integration function and can be changed as needed. 2
Max Appt/Unit Type the maximum number of appointments (units) that can be scheduled in a time slot. This value will automatically default from the Max Appt/Unit field in the Scheduling System Integration function and can be changed as needed. This field is used to determine when a time slot is being overbooked and controls the number of Reserves (up to a maximum of four) that can be applied to one time slot in the Edit Doctor Schedule function. 2
Time In Type the Time you want the schedule to start with followed by 'A' for A.M. or 'P' for P.M. For example, 08:00A. If you do not type the 'A' or 'P' after the time, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically default to one of them based on the 'most common usage' for the time selected. 6
Time Out Type the Time you want the schedule to stop followed by 'A' for A.M. or 'P' for P.M. For example, 11:30A. If you do not type the 'A' or 'P' after the time, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically default to one of them based on the 'most common usage' for the time selected. 6
Time In If you are allowing for a break in the schedule, type the Time you want the schedule to start back up followed by 'A' for A.M. or 'P' for P.M. For example, 12:00P. If you do not type the 'A' or 'P' after the time, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically default to one of them based on the 'most common usage' for the time selected.   6
Time Out If you allowed for a break in the schedule and have specified a second Start time, type the Time you want the second section of the schedule to end at followed by 'A' for A.M. or 'P' for P.M. For example, 05:00P. If you do not type the 'A' or 'P' after the time, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically default to one of them based on the 'most common usage' for the time selected.   6
Repeat Schedule thru Type the date you want to create schedules through or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
Include Saturdays If you want to include Saturdays when creating the schedule, select this check box. 1
Include Sundays If you want to include Sundays when creating the schedule, select this check box. 1
Specific Day Select the Specific Day option you want this new schedule created for, otherwise if you want it created for every weekday, select Not Specific Day from the list. 2

You can also use the Apply Template for a Date Range or Apply Template to a Day functions to create schedules if you have already defined your Templates.

Add Time
You can add selected appointment times to an already existing schedule using the Add Time function. Do not use this function to create a new schedule. To create a new schedule, see the New Location (Create New Schedules) section for detailed instructions.

- Click the Add Time icon located in the lower-left section of the location's schedule to access this function.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Doctor Code This field is for informational purposes only. The Doctor you selected will display. 3
Location Code This field is for informational purposes only. The Location you selected will display. 3
Add from Time Type the Time you want to start adding to the schedule followed by 'A' for A.M. or 'P' for P.M. For example, 08:00A. If you do not type the 'A' or 'P' after the time, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically default to one of them based on the 'most common usage' for the time selected. 6
Add thru Time Type the Time you want to stop adding to the schedule followed by 'A' for A.M. or 'P' for P.M. For example, 05:00P. If you do not type the 'A' or 'P' after the time, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically default to one of them based on the 'most common usage' for the time selected. 6
Add thru Date Type the date of the schedule you want to add times through or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
Specific Day Select the Specific Day option you want the new times added for, otherwise if you want them added for every weekday, select Not Specific Day from the list. 2

Delete Time
You can delete selected appointment times in an already existing schedule or delete an entire day's schedule using the Delete Time function.

- Click the Delete Time icon located in the lower-left section of the location's schedule to access this function.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Doctor Code This field is for informational purposes only. The Doctor you selected will display. 4
Location Code This field is for informational purposes only. The Location you selected will display. 3
Delete from Time Type the Time you want to start deleting from the schedule followed by 'A' for A.M. or 'P' for P.M. For example, 08:00A. If you do not type the 'A' or 'P' after the time, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically default to one of them based on the 'most common usage' for the time selected. 6
Delete thru Time Type the Time you want to stop deleting from the schedule followed by 'A' for A.M. or 'P' for P.M. For example, 05:00P. If you do not type the 'A' or 'P' after the time, CGM webPRACTICE will automatically default to one of them based on the 'most common usage' for the time selected. 6
Delete thru Date Type the date of the schedule you want to delete times through or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
Specific Day Select the Specific Day option you want the times deleted for, otherwise if you want them deleted for every weekday, select Not Specific Day from the list. 2
Delete all Locations If you want the selected times deleted for every location for the selected dates, select this check box. 1
Move Patients to Wait List If you want to move any deleted patient appointments to the Wait List, select this check box. If you select this function, the patient appointment information will also be moved into the Wait List. The only appointments that will not automatically be moved to the wait list are patient appointments that have Other selected for the New Patient Status field in the appointment information, since those types of appointments are generally used for meetings and other non-patient related appointments. 1

As the times are deleted, all the deleted patient appointment information is moved into the Deleted Patients Journal, which can be printed using the Print Journal function in the Action Column on the Monthly Scheduling Edit screen. If there were any rooms attached to any appointments, those appointments will also be deleted and/or moved at the same time.

Every deleted patient appointment will be assigned a Resched/Delete reason which you can view when using the Schedule Inquiry function to review patient appointments.

Enter Notes for a Specific Doctor, Date, and Location
You can store notes that only apply to the selected doctor, date, and location(s) in the two Note text fields displayed below the Location header. Type the note text you want and click:

- Saves the notes for this specific location, for the selected date and doctor.

- Save the notes for All locations for the selected date and doctor.

Indicate On Call Status
You can indicate if the doctor is 'on call' for a selected date and location by selecting the On Call check box and then clicking Apply. On Call entries can also be saved into a Template. Many times the Note fields are used in conjunction with this function to enter details about this particular 'on call' situation. You can view the Notes whenever you access the schedule using the Enter Patient Appointments function.

On Call will display on the monthly scheduling edit screen for each date you indicate the doctor is on call.

Maximum AM and PM Appointments
You can specify the maximum number of appointments to be scheduled for this doctor and location for both the morning and afternoon. Type the number for the maximum number of appointments you want in the Max AM and/or Max PM text boxes and then click Apply.

CGM webPRACTICE will not allow any more appointments to be scheduled for this doctor and location after this maximum has been met. If you try to schedule an appointment after the maximum has been met, CGM webPRACTICE will display the message 'This doctor has reached the maximum am/pm appointments'.

Maximum appointments can also be added through Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance, Doctor Code Integration Table, Maintain Doctor Integration Codes and Schedule, Scheduling Table Maintenance, Doctor Code Integration Table, Set Maximum Patient Loads. The Set Maximum Patient Loads function is used when you need to set up maximum am/pm appointments for a range of dates. The Maintain Doctor Integration Codes function is used to set up a maximum number of patients for the entire day, regardless of whether they are AM or PM appointments.

Since there are three different ways to enter maximum appointments, CGM webPRACTICE determines which function takes precedence over another, based on the following:
For example, you set up maximums of ten AM and ten PM appointments for the month of January using the Set Maximum Patient Loads function and if no other entries for maximums exist at that time, these entries will take precedence.

Say the doctor decides that for Monday, January 20th he only wants to see five patients in the morning and five patients in the afternoon, so you set the maximum AM and PM appointments to five using the Detailed Scheduling Edit Screen function. This entry overrides the previous entry for this particular Monday.

To catch up on paperwork, the doctor decides he only wants to see a total of eight patients on Monday, January 27th. He doesn't care whether they are scheduled in the morning or afternoon; so you set the maximum appointments to eight, using the Maintain Doctor Integration Codes function. This entry takes precedence over the other two entries, since it is set to have the highest level of precedence.

Enter and Apply Reserves
Reserves are a unique way of reserving appointment times within the scheduling system for specific types of visits that can vary by doctor and location. Reserve schedules can be set up for specific dates, individual days, or for every day from this date on for a specified doctor and location. Each reserve schedule is assigned an effective date and will remain in effect until a new reserve schedule is entered. Reserves do not limit you to just scheduling the specified appointment type in a particular appointment time. They can be overridden with different appointment types if needed.

Prior to entering a reserve schedule, each type of visit code should be assigned a specific color using the Maintain Type of Visit Codes function. After the type of visit codes are set up, whenever a reserve is placed on an appointment time it will be displayed in the color selected for that type of visit. This serves as a visual guide to see where the different types of appointments should be scheduled.

During the schedule editing process you may come across some appointment times that contain an icon in the time slot along with the Type of Visit code for the appointment. This means an appointment is already scheduled in the time slot.

Steps for Entering Reserves
  1. Select the type of reserve you want to apply from the Reserves list in the upper-left corner.
  2. Select the appointment time you want to apply the reserve to by clicking anywhere in the row containing the appointment time. If you want to apply a reserve to multiple contiguous time slots, press and hold the CTRL key, click the first time slot and then click the last time slot in the range. The screen refreshes and the reserve is entered in every time slot within that range. This function does not work to replace existing reserves.
  3. Repeat this process until you have selected and entered all the reserves you want.
  4. Click Apply Reserves to apply all the reserves to the schedule.
To remove a reserve after it has been 'applied' to a schedule, see Delete Reserves.

When you are finished, click Apply Reserves to save this reserve schedule. A message box will pop up with the available options for saving this reserve schedule. There are three different ways a reserve schedule can be saved. CGM webPRACTICE determines which type of reserve takes precedence over another, based on the following:
For example, you apply a reserve schedule using the Apply for every Day from this date on option. No other reserves have been entered so these reserves take precedence.

The doctor decides that he does not want to see any new patients on Mondays, so you enter and apply a reserve schedule using the Apply for every Monday from this date on option. This reserve schedule will override the previous reserve schedule.

New ultrasound equipment is being installed on Monday, January 20th and will not be available for use until the next day. You enter a new reserve schedule that does not contain any ultrasound reserves and apply it using the Apply for this date only option. This reserve schedule takes precedence over the two previously entered reserve schedules, since it is set to have the highest level of precedence.

**Cache Text Users Only*** - If you use scheduling in CGM webPRACTICE and in Text, you should always enter your reserves using CGM webPRACTICE, otherwise the reserve appointments will not reflect the proper number of units because CGM webPRACTICE does not recognize the asterisk (*) for multiple units.

Reserves and Templates
If you create and apply a template and it contains reserve appointments, these reserves are considered as being applied to a specific date and would end up taking precedence over any other reserve schedule. If your reserves change frequently, it is best NOT to add reserves to your templates but to apply them separately using the reserve functions.

Delete Reserves
The method you use to delete reserves varies based on how the reserves were originally applied to the schedule. If the reserves were applied for a specific day or every day from this date on you will need to set up a new reserve schedule with a new effective date, which will override the existing reserve schedule. To do this, you will need to edit the schedule. Select the date from the detailed scheduling edit screen you want the new reserves to take effect. Then edit the existing reserves until you have the new reserve schedule setup. The final step is to apply the new reserve schedule. For detailed instructions on entering, editing, and applying reserves, see Enter and Apply Reserves.

If reserves have been applied for a specific date for the selected doctor, date, and location, the Delete Reserves icon will display. You can delete the reserve schedule for a specific date in an already existing schedule using the Delete Reserves icon.

If you no longer need this specific date reserve schedule for the date displayed in the detailed scheduling edit screen, click the Delete Reserves icon located in the lower-left section of the location's schedule and the specific date reserve schedule will be removed. CGM webPRACTICE will display a message stating 'Reserves for this specific date have been deleted'. The screen will refresh and if a specific day reserve schedule exists, it will be displayed, otherwise any non-specific reserve schedule will be displayed. If no other reserve schedules apply, no reserve appointments will be displayed.

If you want to delete just some of the reserves on a specific date, select Remove Reserve from the Reserve list and click the time slot you want to remove. If you want to remove multiple contiguous reserves, select Remove Reserve from the Reserve list and press and hold the CTRL key and click the first reserve and then click the last reserve in the range. The screen will refresh with those reserves removed. Click Apply Reserves.

To view all the reserves you currently have set up in your system, see the Print Reserves section below for detailed instructions. For detailed information on the precedence of the different types of reserve schedules, see the Enter and Apply Reserves section.

Print Reserves
This function allows you to print the reserves you currently have set up in your system. If you are experiencing any problems with your reserves not showing up like you anticipate they should, this report will allow you see which reserves are in effect for the schedule and determine if one reserve might be taking precedence over another reserve. For detailed information on the precedence of the different types of reserve schedules, see Enter and Apply Reserves.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Begin with Doctor Type the doctor code you want the report to start with or leave the field blank to start with the first code in the table.   10
End with Doctor Type the doctor code you want the report to end with or leave the field blank to end with the last code in the table.   10
Start with Effective Date Type the date you want the report to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10

Sample Report

Block/Unblock Time
The Block/Unblock Time function in the Action Column detailed scheduling edit screen works identical to the Block/Unblock Time function on the monthly scheduling edit screen.

Save as Template
After you have created a schedule, you can save the schedule with the Save as Template function located in the Action Column, which can then be used to copy onto other dates. Even though this template has been created through the scheduling edit function and you had to select a specific doctor, templates are not doctor specific by nature, but to the practice as a whole. When you apply templates to the monthly scheduling edit screen, the individual doctor will be specified there.

If the doctor schedule you are currently viewing in the detailed scheduling edit screen contains reserves, they will also become part of the template. If you edit any existing reserves, you will need to click Apply Reserves prior to saving the template. If there are reserves entered in the template, they will become date specific reserves when they are applied to your schedule. The quantity of reserves that you can apply to one time slot is controlled by the value you entered in the Max Appt/Unit field when you created the schedule using the New Location function. When you save reserves into a Template, you will be limited to applying up to four reserves per time slot even if you entered a value greater than that in the Max Appt/Unit field. For detailed information on the different types of reserves and their precedence, see the Enter and Apply Reserves section.

If any of the following have been setup for the doctor schedule you are currently viewing in the detailed scheduling edit screen, they will be saved in the template:

After the template has been saved, it is ready to be applied to specific dates or date ranges. For detailed instructions on applying templates, see the Apply Template to a Day or Apply Template for a Date Range sections.

Apply Template for a Date Range
There are two ways to apply templates in the scheduling system. One is to apply templates to individual days in the monthly scheduling edit screen and the other is to apply a template for a date range, for either a specific day or everyday. To apply a template for a date range, click Apply Template in the Action Column on the detailed scheduling edit screen.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Doctor Code This field is for informational purposes only. The Doctor you selected will display. 4
Template Name Type the template code you want or select from the Template list. 10
Apply thru Date Type the date you want to apply the template through or click the calendar icon to select a date. 10
Specific Day Select the Specific Day option you want this template applied for, otherwise if you want it applied for every weekday, select Not Specific Day from the list. 2
Include Saturdays If you want to include Saturdays when you apply this template, select this check box. 1
Include Sundays If you want to include Sundays when you apply this template, select this check box. 1

If any schedules exist for any of the days within the date range, they will be replaced with the new template. If you are applying templates to days that already have patient appointments scheduled, CGM webPRACTICE will save any appointment that fits into the new template and will move all the other appointments to the Wait List.

Enter Notes for Multiple Doctors and Locations
The Notes function in the Action Column on the detailed scheduling edit screen works identical to the Enter Notes function on the monthly scheduling edit screen.