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Knowledge Tree
    Patient Registration
    Add Financial Account for Patient
    Inactivate a Patient
    Change Patient Data
    Review Patient Information
    Patient Listings
       Alphabetic List of Patients
       Numeric List of Patients
       Sorted Lists of Patients
          List of Patients by Default Diagnosis
          List of Patients by Default Location
          List of Patients by Billing Group
          List of Patients by Referral Source
          List of Patients by Transaction Referral
          List of Patients by Responsible Dr
          List of Patients by Zip Code
          List of Patients by Fee Schedule
          List of Patients by Birth Date
          List of Patients by Ins Carrier
          List of Patients by Plan Code
          List of Patients by Patient Class
          List of Patients by Case
          Double Sorted Lists of Patients
             List of Patients by Responsible Doctor
             List of Patients by Location
                List of Patients by Default Location and Default Diagnosis
                List of Patients by Default Location and Billing Group
                List of Patients by Default Location and Referral Source
                List of Patients by Default Location and Transaction Referral
                List of Patients by Default Location and Zip Code
                List of Patients by Default Location and Responsible Dr
                   Sample Report
                List of Patients by Default Location and Ins Carrier
                List of Patients by Default Location and Fee Schedule
                List of Patients by Default Location and Patient Class
       New Patient/Follow-Up Reports
       Print All Data for Active Patients
       Patient Recall Listing
    Patient Mailing Labels
    Patient Referral Menu
    Patient Recall Menu
    Patient Hospital Rounds List
    Verify Eligibility by DMS List
    Upload Transcription Files
    Patient Demographic Import Utility
Managed Care
Rx Management
Release Notes