Create Service Charges

The Create Service Charges function calculates and posts either an interest charge or a service charge as indicated in the Service Charge Control File. Note that the Finance Charges field in the patient's Billing Information screen and the Suppress Finance Charges field in the Billing Group Code Table affect how service charges are applied to the accounts.

Upon accessing this function, the batch number field displays if your practice has selected to use batch numbers for adjustments. This field is required if the Always option is selected for the Batch Adjustments field in Batch Control Integration.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
All or Select Billing Groups Select the Billing Group option.   1
Billing Group If you chose to create service charges for a Select Billing Group only, type the code you want or click the magnifying glass to search the table.   3

A screen displays so you can choose the patient(s) to receive the service charge or interest.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Billing Group This field is informational only and reflects the selected Billing Group code.   3
Alpha or Numeric If you are creating for a range of patients, select the sorting option.
Alpha - If you are typing a patient's name, select this option.
Numeric - If you are typing an account number, select this option.
From Patient If you selected to create service charges for an Alphabetic range of patients, type the name you want to begin with. If you selected to create service charges for a Numeric range of patients, type the account number you want to begin with.   20
Thru Patient If you selected to create service charges for an Alphabetic range of patients, type the name you want to end with. If you selected to create service charges for a Numeric range of patients, type the account number you want to end with.   20

NOTE: A service charge does not create when the whole account balance on a patient account is a credit amount, even if there is a patient balance owing.

CGM webPRACTICE calculates the service charges in the background. When the program has completed posting the applicable debit adjustments, a notification message displays stating, 'Your service charge calculation is complete.' You can print an Adjustment Journal for the current date to obtain a detailed list of the debit adjustments posted to patient accounts.