Check In/Out Payment Journal

With the Check In/Out Payment Journal function, you can print a report that lists the payments entered through the Patient Check In/Out function. This report provides an audit trail of every payment that was entered, including any payments that were voided or edited.

Using this report, you can balance the co-pay and ROA payments entered through the Patient Check In/Out function to the co-pay and ROA payments actually posted through Payment Entry. This report can be compared to any of the following reports:
Prior to balancing the reports, you should review the Check In/Out Payment Journal and see if there are any payments that are listed as Unposted. If there are, you should post them before proceeding. When you compare the payment total from any of the three reports listed above to the Check In/Out Payment Journal, you will need to add up only the co-pay and ROA payments on the three reports.

You can also print this report from Schedule and from Transactions.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Print in Date Order If you want to print the report in date order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in Patient Order If you want to print the journal in patient order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in Payment Code Order If you want to print the journal in payment code order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in User Code Order If you want to print the journal in user code order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in Location Code Order If you want to print this journal in location order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Print in Resp Doctor Order If you want to print this journal in responsible doctor order, select this check box. If you select multiple sorting options, a separate report will be generated for each option.   1
Summary Only If you only want to print a summary, select this check box. 1
Print From Date Type the date you want the journal to start with or click the calendar icon to select a date. This date refers to the date the payments were entered through the Patient Check In/Out function, not the date they were posted through Payment Entry.   10
Print Through Date Type the date you want the journal to end with or click the calendar icon to select a date. This date refers to the date the payments were entered through the Patient Check In/Out function, not the date they were posted through Payment Entry.   10

Sample Report
This report includes: the patient account number and name; the date the payment was entered in Patient Check In/Out; the payment type (COP for Co-pay or ROA for Received on Account); the payment code; the user that entered the payment; and the location for the payment. The posted column is blank if the payment is not posted, prints the Date the payment was posted, and prints Voided if the payment was voided. The report also prints the check number, any payment remarks entered, and the payment amount. 'Voided' prints next to the actual payment line item that was voided in addition to the 'void' transaction line item. The batch number prints below the account number (if one was used). If a different amount was posted than what was originally entered for the unposted payment, the text 'DIFFERENT AMOUNT POSTED' prints along with the amount. A summary prints at the end of the report listing the total cash, check, and credit card payments and total number of patients.

If you enter a payment for an account through Patient Check In/Out using the Select Patient function, that payment appears on the report with a Loc code of 'None'.