Work Accounts

With the Work Accounts function you can review and process accounts that have been added to the collection process or have been transferred to a new status within the collection process.

Work Accounts provides the following functions/sections:
Upon accessing this function, the Work Accounts Filter screen displays containing blank data fields. You can filter the accounts that will be displayed on the Work Accounts summary screen.

Data Field Information
Prompt Response Req Len
Collection Status Type the collection status code you want, select from the Collection Status list, or leave the field blank to view accounts for every code in the table.   3
Doctor Code Type the doctor code you want, select from the Doctor Code list, or leave the field blank to include accounts for every code in the table. This refers to the Responsible Doctor on the Patient Name and Address Information screen.   3
Location Code Type the location code you want, select from the Location Code list, or leave the field blank to include accounts for every code in the table. This refers to the Default Location on the Patient Name and Address Information screen.   3
Billing Group Type the code you want, click the magnifying glass to search the table or leave the field blank to include accounts for every code in the table. This refers to the Billing Group on the patient's Billing Information screen.   3
Type of Accounts Select the option to indicate which accounts you want to work.   1
Balances Greater than $ Type the amount to indicate which accounts you want to work based on minimum balance.  


Work Accounts Summary Screen
All of the patients that are currently in the patient collections module, for the Filter criteria selected, are listed. ***Filter Applied*** displays at the top of the screen when the accounts are filtered, including details of the items you selected for the Filter.  

You can place the available columns on this screen in any order, specific to the user, by setting up the preferred order in the Column Selectable Fields menu or by clicking the gear icon in the lower-right corner of the screen. All columns except the Acct and Name columns can be selected/deselected and re-ordered. All of the columns are 'sortable'. The Wrk column reflects 'Y' if the account has been worked and 'N' if it has not been worked. If you use the Move Letters to Print File function to automatically send letters for particular collection status codes to the print file, those accounts will be marked as 'worked'. To access the patient account detail, select the account by clicking anywhere in the row containing the account information. Click Next Account in the Action Column to access the next account in the summary list that has not been worked.
Click Add/Edit Filter in the Action Column to access the Work Accounts Filter screen again if you want to change your original selections.
You can select patient accounts using the check boxes at the beginning of each row and change the Work status with a single click, using the Mark as Worked or Mark as Unworked Action Column buttons. You can also change the Collection Status using the Change Status Action Column button. If you want to select every patient account listed on the screen, select the check box at the top of the check box column.
If your practice subscribes to  ECOLLECTIONS, you can access your reports for electronic collection letters from eMEDIX directly from within this function using the EMEDIX Website Action Column button.

Work Accounts Detailed Screen
After selecting an account, the Work Accounts detailed screen displays. This screen contains the essential patient data required to work the account.

The account demographic information is listed in the top portion followed by the:

Action Column Functions

Data Field Information

Prompt Response Req Len
Start Date of Plan Enter the date that the payment plan should start or click the calendar icon to select a date.   10
Payment Amount Enter the amount that the patient has agreed to pay. This amount is expected as frequently as the interval set in the Payment Days field. If the patient pays an amount less than this amount, the patient is considered to have failed (defaulted on) the payment plan and the account will move into the status set in the Status for Default field with the next 'populate'.


Payment Days Enter the number of day indicating the agreed frequency of the payment. This field is used in conjunction with the Next Payment Date field to determine when the next payment is due. 2
Next Payment Date This date field is automatically calculated based on the Start Date of Plan and Payment Days fields. If the patient does not make a payment by this date, the patient is considered to have failed (defaulted on) the payment plan and the account will move into the status set in the Status for Default field with the next 'populate'.
You can override this field if needed. Type the date you want or click the calendar icon to select a date. For example, a patient agrees to pay $10.00 a week starting on the first of the next month; or, a patient informs you that they will be missing a payment; you can type the next agreed-upon date.
Last Payment Date This field is information only and reflects the date of the last payment posted on the account.  


Last Payment Amount $ This field is information only and reflects the amount of the last patient payment posted on the account.  


Status for Default Select a Collection Status to be assigned to the account in the event that the patient defaults on the payment plan; meaning they miss a payment or pay less than the agreed amount.
The default response is held in the Collection Payment Plan Failed field of the Patient Collections Integration screen.
Note: If you select a status other than 'Payment Plan Failed', it is treated as a 'payment plan failed' status. Meaning, the 'Days to Remain in Status' and the 'Transfer to Next Status Code' fields for this other status, are ignored and the account remains in the status code specified until you manually change it.
CGM PAY If the payments for this payment plan will be automatically collected using CGM PAY, select this check box.   1

Submitter #

Select a Submitter # from the list. This is required for CGM PAY payment plans. 1

Payment Method

Select a Payment Method from the list. This is required for CGM PAY payment plans. 10

Card Holder Name

Type the Card Holder's full name.    

Card Holder Zip Code

Type the Card Holder's five-digit zip code.