Fee Schedule Table
By using Fee Schedule codes, you can:
- Maintain up to five separate sets of fees (facility and non-facility)
for insurance carriers or groups of patients that need to be billed
with an amount other than the normal price. For example, Medicare,
ICA, and professional courtesy.
- Store allowed amounts for any insurance carrier that you would
like the write-off amounts to be automatically calculated and adjusted
during payment entry.
- Maintain separate fee schedules for every year and insurance company
by using effective dates.
- Import updated fee schedules for insurance carriers each year.
- Compare the allowed amounts for multiple insurance carriers.
For information about the steps involved in setting up
Fee Schedules and the update process, see Fee
Schedule Setup Process under the Introduction, System Processes
Help section.
The Fee Schedule Table provides the following functions for managing
fee schedules:
You should only use fee schedules for insurance carriers you are contracted
with and need to make insurance adjustments for the non-allowed amounts
on patient accounts.
Note: If you plan on automatically calculating the Allowed Amounts using
the RVS Schedule functions,
you do not need to set up a Fee Schedule.