Unposted Payments

With the Unposted Payments function you can review, print and post payments that have been stored but have not been posted to the account. Payments can be stored on an account through the Patient Check In/Out function, Payment Entry (CGM PAY payments that are not applied), CGM PAY payments collected for Collection Payment Plans or Non-Delinquent Payment Plans or the CGM eMEDIX Payment Portal (for electronic patient statement payments or collection payments).

Unposted Payments provides the following functions/sections:


Upon accessing the function, if you selected Sometimes or Always in the Batch Control Integration for Batch Payments, the first screen allows you to select a batch number. If you selected Always, the Batch Number is required. Next, the Batch summary screen will display. Click Proceed. If you do not use batches, the Unposted Payments Summary screen will display.



Next, the Batch summary screen will display. Click Proceed.


The Unposted Payments summary screen then displays. If you selected a Batch Number it will display at the top of the screen.


You can put the available columns on this screen in any order, specific to the user, by setting up the preferred order in the Column Selectable Fields menu. If you do not have access to the System Menu, you can click the gear icon in the lower right corner to change your Column Selectable Fields directly from within this function.


Columns one through six are required to display and their order is pre-set but the remaining columns are available to be changed or removed. All of the columns are 'sortable', meaning you can click on any column heading to sort the data displayed by that column.

The available columns for this screen are:

Column Heading Description
Automatic Posting Check Boxes If a Co-Payment has a green status icon, it is eligible to be automatically posted. You can select a check box for individual co-payments or select the check box at the top of the column to select all of the eligible co-payments. You can also select the check box at the top of the column to clear any previously selected check boxes. If the check box is unavailable, it is because there is an 'error message' in red italicized text under the patient's name and/or a red or yellow status icon in the Status column.
Co-Payment Status This column reflects icons for a Co-Payment's charge status, to determine if an E&M procedure has been posted that matches the Co-Payment date. A procedure code must be between 99201-99499 to be eligible to be automatically posted.  When you point to an icon one of the following messages will display:

Source Indicates where the payments were stored from; Payment Entry, Check In/Out, Payment Plan or CGM eMEDIX Payment Portal.
Account The patient’s account number to which the payment applies.
Patient Name The patient’s name (last name, first name) on the account. Any error messages will display below the patient's name in red text.

The payment amount. If the payment was collected using CGM webPay, a Credit link and Printer

icon will be available to credit/void the payment or print the receipt.

Payment Date The payment date entered when the payment was originally entered.
Payment Type Co-payment or ROA (Received on Account).
Payment Code

The description and code of the Payment Code used - such as, Copay Cash, Copay Check, Check Pmt, CGM PAY: Copay Credit Card.


  • The Payment Type for CGM PAY payments will display from the Payment Codes entered on the CGM PAY Integration screen.
  • The Payment Type for payments received via the CGM eMEDIX Payment Portal will display from the Payment Codes entered on the CGM eMEDIX Payment Portal Integration screen. For additional information, see the CGM eMEDIX Payment Portal Integration function.
Pmt Method The method of payment which includes:
  • CA (Cash)
  • CK (Check)
  • CC (Credit Card)
  • EC (E-Check)
  • OP (Other Payment Type)
  • CP (CGM PAY- non device payment)
  • CP - Device (CGM PAY - Device collected payment)
  • PP (Payment Portal).
Patient Balance The amount owing for the patient's balance.
CP-Pmt Device The payment device name for any CGM PAY payment collected on a device .
Pmt Doctor The doctor assigned to the payment.
Loc The location code where the service was rendered.
Last Service Date The last date of service posted on the patient's account.
Type of Service The type of service code for the appointment.
Remarks Any remarks entered regarding the payment.
Check Number The check number (if payment method was a check).


Note: If you have been activated for the CGM eMEDIX Payment Portal for Electronic Statements - any payments received from the CGM eMEDIX Payment Portal will show the Source and Remarks as CGM eMEDIX Payment Portal.

Unposted Payments Error Messages

When a co-pay must be posted manually, the reason(s) will display in red italicized text, to the right of the This Co-Pay must be posted manually message. The reason(s) also displays when you point to any of the Co-Payment Status icons, so you can see at a glance what is wrong with the payment. If you must manually post a payment, you can access Payment Entry by clicking anywhere in the row containing the payment information.

Error Message

How to Resolve the Error
This Co-Pay must be posted manually. If this is a CGM PAY payment that has not been collected yet, it cannot be auto-posted. Click the Credit link in the Amount column and collect the payment.
If there are multiple co-payments linked to the same appointment, they cannot be auto-posted. These payments must be posted manually.
If a co-payment cannot be matched up to a procedure or does not meet any of the following parameters , the co-payment cannot be auto-posted and must be posted manually:
  • The Date of Service must match between the procedure and the co-payment
  • The Patient ID must match between the procedure and the co-payment (when the Guarantor is different than the Patient)
  • If an appointment doctor is attached to the co-payment, the Performing Dr on the charge must match
  • If both the co-payment and the charge have a Type of Service stored, they must match
  • If the charge has an appointment linked to it, it must match the appointment linked to the co-payment
  • Auto-posting the payment cannot create a credit on the charge
  • If the charge already has co-payment or patient payment applied to it



Auto-Post multiple payments at one time
Select one or multiple check boxes in the first column to select the payments that you want to post automatically. The Post button at the bottom right corner of the screen becomes available. Click Post to automatically post all selected payments to the accounts. If an unposted payment has a doctor assigned to it and you auto-post the payment, the payment will be applied to procedures that match the payment doctor.


Manually Post individual payments one at a time
To review a payment in detail from the Unposted Payments Summary screen, select the payment by clicking anywhere on the row containing the payment information. The Payment Entry Function screen will display.

If you click Cancel, you will be returned to the Unposted Payments Summary screen and that payment will still be stored.

If you click Save, the Payment Allocation Screen will display.


For detailed information, see the Payment Entry Function.


Action Column Functions


Payment Entry Function

When you enter the Payment Entry Function either from the Transactions menu or from the Transactions > Payments Action Column function in Patient, Change Patient Data, if there are any existing unposted payments for the selected patient, a list of those payments display so you can select to post them from this screen. If the payments are posted from within these functions, they are removed from the Unposted Payments screen.