Community Health Centers (CHC) Setup Process

This section includes setup steps for the following CGM webPRACTICE functions: This section provides the CGM webPRACTICE setup steps necessary for accurate UDS billing and reporting. It is not intended to provide general or state-specific rules regarding Community Health Center (CHC) requirements for this billing or reporting.

Although this section does provide excerpts from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) Uniform Data System (UDS) Reporting Instructions Calendar Year 2008, you are responsible for the obtaining all regulations for your specific state and CHC. You can access information at and at

The CGM webPRACTICE Community Health Center (CHC) functions help automate the sometimes difficult billing requirements by providing sliding scale adjustments based on income, managing and tracking capitation programs and producing interactive Uniform Data System (UDS) reports required by federal and state governments. The CHC functions also provide demographic census reporting as required by the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC).

Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) Definitions
The following definitions of commonly used terms will assist in the understanding of the required setup.

Patient Setup - Patient Registration and Change Patient Data
You can enter the elements required for accurate UDS reports either at the time of Patient Registration or through the Change Patient Data function.

Tables Setup

 For information on completing this screen, see Maintain Insurance Carriers.

Reports Setup

UDS Billing

UDS Reports